FIRST-YEAR CHILDREN (12 years old)


  • There are some favorable changes compared to the previous year. It represents an important step towards sociability. Confidence in direct pressures to reaffirm decreases, with which the boy generally becomes less insistent and more reasonable. 
  • It should not be forgotten that growth towards adulthood is progressive and, consequently, there is some instability. 
  • In this way, with ease, you can go from a typical collaborative spirit of the adult to the manifestation of childish whims. 
  • However, the capacity for emotional self-control is superior to that of 11-year-olds. 
  • On the other hand, an intellectual growth is experienced that represents an important advance towards conceptual thinking. 
  • This implies that you can start entering information about specific aspects or actions. *"Entrenamiento en el fútbol base" –Isabel Gázquez   Pérez –Paidotribo.
  • Affective dependence. 
  • Age of discovery. 
  • Importance of the model.


  • If the team has been competing in football-7, in this cycle a sharp change will manifest itself when moving to F-11. We must take into account this circumstance and help the player to adapt, especially in the two aspects already mentioned:
    • The structural adequacy in relation to the number of players.
    • The perception of the space-time factors that must be adjusted for a correct interpretation of the collective game.
  • It is interesting, in this cycle (beginning of stage), the incorporation of a FOURTH DAY OF TRAINING, so that we have a specific session for the COMPETITION area.
  • In the area of Competition,consequently, in this Cycle / season, we will review all the planning exposed in the Cycle / Season of "Alevín de 2º año" (11 years), but ADAPTING the objectives exposed in the F-7, TO DEVELOP THEM TO FOOTBALL 11 in which it is already competed in this Cycle.
  • In the area of Psychology:to deepen the aspects described in the planning, the coach can consult in what is described in Volume 2.2. "the areas of specialization" in the chapters of Psychology and Team Management. Also in this volume (3.2.) specific contents for each phase/stage are manifested in chapter -1- section D.
  • In the area of Technique,we must carry out the training by applying the different objectives within the Collective Game, that is, the training will be carried out with real game activities and the analysis of the technical actions conditioned to the game situations that are manifested in the different phases and Sub-phases. Regardless of the enough, in some cases, we must carry out more specific training for the review of a specific action.
    • We assume therefore that each player will develop their activity within a certain area of play (in this cycle or in the following ones), also adapting the activity to the Forms of Play established for the team.
  • In the area of the Goalkeeper:The work to be carried out during this cycle will be carried out in two specific weekly training sessions.
    • In each session/micro-cycle, 2-3 objectives/contents will be attempted, usually one being of a coordinative nature and the other technical or tactical; may or may not be both related in the game.
  • In the area of Tactics,we must carry out the training by applying the different objectives within the Collective Game, that is, the training will be carried out with real game activities and the analysis of the tactical actions conditioned to the game situations that are manifested in the different phases and Sub-phases. Regardless of the enough that in some cases, we must carry out more specific training for the review of a specific action / situation.
  • We assume therefore that each player will develop their activity within a certain area of play (in this cycle or in the following ones), also adapting the activity to the Forms of Play established for the team.
  • In relation to physical preparation:We will not distinguish variants between the first 2 cycles / seasons of the process. In any case, the coach must adapt in each cycle the variables (progression, specificity, etc.), in relation to the characteristics of the players and their evolution.


  • Adaptation to football-11, of all the aspects developed in the previous stage. 




  • We could say that adolescence is already well started. New facets of behavior emerge. Some clearly manifest and others that may go unnoticed because the boy is not always open and communicative. Withdrawing, sometimes, because it is internalizing while extending into the culture. 
  • He is usually very sensitive and experiences ups and downs in mood. 
  • Individual differences are beginning to become evident. 
  • We must give it a treatment that entails great consideration and understanding. 
  • From now on we will enter the adolescent stage itself. (*) 
    • (*) "Training in grassroots football" – Isabel Gázquez Pérez – ED. Paidotribo. 
  • Conceptual and logical thinking is formed. Amazing retention capacity, logical and intelligent pass to memory. 
  • Increased capacity to produce information; awareness of learning grows. 
  • It dominates balance and optimism. Good predisposition to learn and strive. (*) 
    • (*) Jürgen BrauBbe and others – "grassroots football training programs" – Ed. Paidotribo. 
  • Capacity for critical analysis. Deep sense of justice. 
  • Friendship, companionship, curiosity, desire to progress. 
  • Beginning of logical thinking. 


  • In the area of the Competition,we will develop the same objectives as in the previous Cycle (First year Infant), but already working in a specific and practical way, that is, we must add (if it has not been done before), a FOURTH DAY OF TRAINING for the specific improvement of this area.
    • We will take into account, therefore, the forms of play established for the team and the design of the tasks (didactic forms) that fit this criterion.
  • In the area of Technique,we must carry out the training by applying the different objectives within the Collective Game, that is, the training will be carried out with real game activities and the analysis of the technical actions conditioned to the game situations that are manifested in the different phases. Regardless of the enough, in some cases, we must carry out more specific training for the review of a specific action.
    • We assume therefore that each player will develop their activity within a certain area of play (in this cycle or in the following ones), also adapting the activity to the Forms of Play established for the team.
  • In the area of Tactics,we must carry out the training by applying the different objectives within the Collective Game, that is, the training will be carried out with real game activities and the analysis of the tactical actions conditioned to the game situations that are manifested in the different phases. Regardless of the enough that in some cases, we must carry out more specific training for the review of a specific action/situation.
    • We assume therefore that each player will develop their activity within a certain area of play (in this cycle or in the following ones), also adapting the activity to the Forms of Play established for the team.
  • In the area of Goalkeepers:In this 2nd cycle of the phase of "Start to Technification", the objectives / contents of work for each micro-cycle will remain the same as in the previous cycle (children of 1st year). The work of the goalkeeper continues to develop during the specific weekly training session.
    • In case of detection, by the person in charge of the area, of any important deficiency in the goalkeeper's game, it is convenient to modify this programming and specifically affect said deficiency.
  • In the area of Psychology:at this stage we will carry out the same objectives set in the previous stage (Children of 1r. year), the coach must adjust each aspect to adapt them to the differences that may manifest themselves in the group (age, characteristics of the players / families, levels of manifestation of each objective, etc.).
    • To delve into the aspects described in the planning, the coach can consult in what is described in Volume 2.2. "The areas of specialization" in the chapters of Psychology and Team Management. Also in this volume (3.2.) specific contents for each phase/stage are manifested in chapter -1- section D.
  •  In relation to physical preparation:We will not distinguish variants between the first 2 cycles / seasons of the process. In any case, the coach must adapt in each cycle the variables (progression, specificity, etc.), in relation to the characteristics of the players and their evolution.
  •  In the field of technique and tactics,in the training sessions we will already begin the improvement of the technical-tactical aspects within the collective work, that is, the improvement, rectification and adaptation of the actions / situations of these two areas within the situations / collective actions that are manifested in the game. 


  • Adaptation to collective play as the basis of training.
  • Improvement of the actions/situations of technique, tactics and collective actions as a common objective within the collective game.