Microcycle of 3 sessions
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 1 | MICROCYCLE 2 | ||||
Session number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | To the technique 02140100-270 | To the technique 02140200-271 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Reception 02001205-37 | Theft ball 02001305-38 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Reception 02011210-3 | Theft ball 02011306-4 | ||||
TACTICS | Support (2:1) 02020404 -44 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | CO in mid lane 02030100-66 | CO in recovery 02030200-67 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Subphase -1- 02050100-137 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Counterattack 02040100-118 | Quick Attack 02040300-120 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Attack on P.2.3.1 02060100-158 | The Doorman 02060201-157A | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Displacements 02090100-176 | Stretched 02090200-177 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance preseason 02101502-211 | Endurance preseason 02101502-211 | ||||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Report to Parents 02113100-222A | Motivation 02110400-223B | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Presentation MEDICAL AREA 02120100-234 | Complete History 02120400-237 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 3 | MICROCYCLE 4 | ||||
Session number | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | To the technique 02140300-272 | To the technique 02140400-273 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Driving 02001405-39 | Dribbling 02001505-40 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Driving 02011410-9 | Dribbling 02011510-12 | ||||
TACTICS | Darken 02020504-45 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | CO after 4-5 touches 02030300-68 | Pass between 2 lines 02030400-69 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | D/A transition to ensure possession of the ball 02050500-141 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Straight game 02040500-122 | |||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Defensive structure before P.3.1.2 02060601-160A | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Jumps and falls 02090300-178 | Recovery of the position 02090400-179 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance preseason 02101502-211 | Endurance preseason 02101502-211 | ||||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Concentration 02113200-237 | Referees 02113300-238 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Controls Follow-up 02120200-235 | Follow-up Injuries 02120300-236 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 5 | MICROCYCLE 6 | ||||
Session number | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02140500-274 | Manipulation of the ball 02140600-275 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | The Wall 02001605-41 | The Pass 02001705-42 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | The Wall 02011610-15 | The Pass 02011710-18 | ||||
TACTICS | Passing lane 02020604-46 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Swipe between 3 lines 02030500-70 | Width 02030600-71 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Medium Retraction 02050700-143 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Corner kick in attack 02041000-127 | Counter Corner kick 02041100-128 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | The Center 02060202-157B | Attack on P.2.3.1 02060100-158 | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Body position 02090500-180 | Twists 02090600-181 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101101-207A | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101201-208A | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Self-confidence 02113400-239 | Frustration 02113500-240 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Anamnesis Specialist 02120500 | Assessment Nutritional Specialist 02120600 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 7 | MICROCYCLE 8 | ||||
Session number | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02140700-276 | Manipulation of the ball 02140800-277 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | The Center 02001805-43 | Relay 02001905-49 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | The Center 02011810-21 | Relay 02011910-24 | ||||
TACTICS | Defensive swap 02020704-47 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Stay ball height 02030700-72 | To be in the or not Game orientation 02030800-73 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Defensive Watch 02050900-145 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Throw-in in attack 02041200-129 | Throw-in on defense 02041300-130 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | The Steering Wheel in Progression 02060203-157C | Defensive structure before P.2.3.1 02060602-160B | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Changes address 02090700-182 | Pass 02091200-187 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101301-209A | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101401-210A | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Attitude in training 02110500-224A | Incidence Parents 02112900-241 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Dental Checkup Reminder 02120700-240 | Tokens 02120800-241 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 9 | MICROCYCLE 10 | ||||
Session number | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02140900-278 | Manipulation of the ball 02141000-279 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Finishing 02002005-51 | Head game 02002105-54 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Finishing 02012010-27 | Head game 02012110-30 | ||||
TACTICS | Anticipation defensive 02020804-48 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Depth 02030900-74 | Diagonal position 02031000-75 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Fixing 02051000-146 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Direct free in attack 02041400-131 | Direct free on defense 02041500-132 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Steering wheel on completion 02060204-157D | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Blocking 02091900-194 | Stop 02092000-195 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101102-207B | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101202-208B | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Selective attention 02113600-242 | Comprehension 02113700-243 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Nutrition tips 02120900-242 | Hygiene tips 02121000-243 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 11 | MICROCYCLE 12 | ||||
Session number | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02141100-280 | Offensive play 02141200-281 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Protection of the ball 02012206-31 | Protection of the ball 02012209-32 | ||||
TACTICS | Coverage defensive 02021004-50 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Progression 02031100-76 | Play in the zone 02031200-77 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | The marking 02051100-147 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Indirect in attack 02042000-136 | Indirect on defense 02042100-137 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Attack on P.2.3.1 02060100-158 | Pivot in Progression 02060205-157E | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Clearing 02092100-196 | Diversion 02092200-197 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Resistance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101302-209B | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101402-210B | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Concepts 02113800-244 | Possibilities for improvement 02113900-245 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Injuries 02121100-244 | Prevention 02121200-245 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 13 | MICROCYCLE 14 | ||||
Session number | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Offensive play 02141300-282 | Defensive play 02141400-283 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Globally 02012306-34 | Globally 02012309-35 | ||||
TACTICS | Defensive stance 02021204-52 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Create superiority 02031300-78 < /span> | Exit too of the area 02031400-79 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | The entrance 02051200-148 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Goal kick 02041600-133 | Penalty 02041800-135 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Structure defensive 02060603-160C | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Jumps and falls 02090800-183 | Loads 02090900-184 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101103-207C | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101203-208C | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Voltage/Intensity 02114500-251 | Follow-up and control 02114100-247 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Dietetics 02121300-246 | Stretching 02121400-247 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 15 | MICROCYCLE 16 | ||||
Session number | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Defensive play 02141500-284 | To the technique 02140100-270 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Reception 02001205-37 | |||||
TECHNIQUE | Globally 02012310-36 | Reception 02011210-3 | ||||
TACTICS | Marking the keeper 02021304-53 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Marking distance in Z. progression 02031500-80 | Marking distance in defensive z. 02031600-81 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Coverage 02051300-149 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Kickoff 02041800-135 | Counterattack 02040100-118 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Pivot on completion 02060206-157F | Attack on P.2.3.1 02060100-158 | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Accelerations 02091000-185 | Braking 02091100-186 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101303-209C | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101403-210C | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Redirect 02114200-248 | Parents 02113100-222A | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Pathologies Specialist 02121500-248 | Feet Hygiene 02122300-256 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 17 | MICROCYCLE 18 | ||||
Session number | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | To the technique 02140200-271 | To the technique 02140300-272 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Steal ball 02001305-38 | Driving 02001405-39 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Steal ball 02011306-4 | Driving 02011410-9 | ||||
TACTICS | Back marking 02021504-55 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Being Between opponent and goal 02031700-82 | See opponent and ball 02031800-83 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | The Swap 02051400-150 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Quick Attack 02040300-120 | Straight game 02040500-122 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Tip 02060207-157G | Defensive structure before a: P.3.2.1 02060604-160D | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Pass 02091200-187 | Reception 02091300-188 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101104-207D | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101204-208D | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Motivation 02110400-223B | Concentration 02113200-237 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Tips 02123000 | Anamnesis Specialist | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 19 | MICROCYCLE 20 | ||||
Session number | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | To the technique 02140400-273 | Manipulation of the ball 02140500-274 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Dribbling 02001505-40 | Wall 02001605-41 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Dribbling 02011510-12 | Wall 02011610-15 | ||||
TACTICS | Marking the keeper in the race 02021604-56 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Being overwhelmed 02031900-84 | Defensive Watch 02032000-85 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Individual marking 02052100-153 | |||||
STRATEGIES | From short to long 02040700-124 | Corner kick in attack 02041000-127 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Attacking lines 02060401-159A | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Driving 02091400-189 | Transportation 02091500-190 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101304-209D | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101404-210D | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Referees 02113300-238 | Self-confidence 02113400-239 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Anamnesis 02120400 | Calendars 02120200 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 21 | MICROCYCLE 22 | ||||
Session number | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02140600-275 | Manipulation of the ball 02140700-276 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Pass 02001705-42 | Center 02001805-43 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Pass 02011710-18 | Center 02011810-21 | ||||
TACTICS | The Entrance 02021904-59 | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Marking backs 02032100-86 | Structure defensive 02032200-87 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Layout offensive 02052600-155 | |||||
STRATEGIES | Corner kick on defense 02041100-128 | Throw-in in attack 02041200-129 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | P.2.3.1 Attack 02060100-158 | To a demarcation THE CENTER 02060202-157B | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Launches 02091600-191 | Protection of the ball 02091700-192 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101101-207A | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101201-208A | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Frustration 02113500-240 | Voltage 02110700 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Organization 02120300 | Parents 02120900 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 23 | MICROCYCLE 24 | ||||
Session number | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02140800-277 | Manipulation of the ball 02140900-278 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Relay 02001905-49 | Finishing 02002005-51 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Relay 02011910-24 | Finishing 02012010-27 | ||||
TACTICS | In front of a wall on the contrary 02022104-61 | Supports to the owner 02020404-44 | ||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Pass or progress 02032300-88 | Play on security 02032500-90 | ||||
STRATEGIES | Throw-in on defense 02041300-130 | Direct free kicks in attack 02041400-131 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Defensive structure 02060601-160A | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Dribbling 02091800-193 | Blocking 02091900-194 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101301-209A | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101401-210A | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Cohesion 02110800 | Attention 02110900 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Parents 02120900 | Parents 02120900 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 25 | MICROCYCLE 26 | ||||
Session number | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Manipulation of the ball 02141000-279 | Manipulation of the ball 02141100-280 | ||||
SKILL CONTEXTUALIZED | Head game 02002105-54 | |||||
TECHNIQUE | Head game 02012110-30 | Protection of the ball 02012209-32 | ||||
TACTICS | Ante air balls 02022204-62 | “Darken” 02020504-45 | ||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Scroll diagonally 02033000-95 | Surveillance defensive 02033300-98 | ||||
STRATEGIES | Direct free kicks on defense 02041500-132 | Indirect in attack 02042000-137 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Attacking lines 02060403-159C | Attack in P.2.3.1 02060100 | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Stop 02092000-195 | Clearing 02092100-196 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101102-207B | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101202-208B | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Comprehension 02111000 | Concepts 02111100 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Tokens 02120800 02121200 | Tips 02121400 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 27 | MICROCYCLE 28 | ||||
Session number | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Offensive play 02141200-281 | Offensive play 02141300-282 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Protection of the ball 02012210-33 | Globally 02012306-34 | ||||
TACTICS | Objectives of the marking 02021304-53 | Passing lane 02020604-46 | ||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Anticipation defensive 02033800-103 | In case of dropped balls 02034500-110 | ||||
STRATEGIES | Indirect on defense 02042100-138 | Goal kick 02041600-133 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | To a demarcation 02060204-157D | Defensive structure 02060602-160B | ||||
GOALKEEPERS | Diversion 02092200-197 | Offensive set up 02092300-198 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance Very high load 02101802-214 | Speed segmental 02101302-209B | Endurance low load 02101902-215 | Speed specific 02101402-210B | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Objectives of the team 02111200 | Constructive criticism 02111300 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Fatigue 02121700 | incidents 02122800 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |
Microcycle | MICROCYCLE 29 | MICROCYCLE 30 | ||||
Session number | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 |
AREAS | Microcycle session | Microcycle Session | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
COORDINATION APPLIED | Defensive play 02141400-283 | Defensive play 02141500-284 | ||||
TECHNIQUE | Globally 02012309-35 | Globally 02012310-36 | ||||
TACTICS | Report of tactical assessment | |||||
COLLECTIVE ACTIONS FUNDAMENTALS | Layout offensive 02034700-112 | Transition defense/attack 02035000-115 | ||||
DEFENSIVE PLAY | Evaluation report of defensive play | |||||
STRATEGIES | Penalty 02041800-135 | Kickoff 02041800-135 | ||||
MOVEMENTS SYSTEM | Attacking lines 02060405-159E | |||||
GOALKEEPERS | Support from emergency 02092400-199 | Address of the defensive line 02092500-200 | ||||
TRAINING PHYSICAL | Endurance medium load 02101602-212 | Speed Reaction 02101103-207C | Endurance high load 02101702-213 | Speed displacement 02101203-208C | ||
TRAINING PSYCHOLOGICAL | Follow-up and control 02111400 | Observation and Control 02111500 | ||||
MEDICAL AREA | Performance 02122900 | Holidays 02123000 | ||||
MATCHES OF TRAINING | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | 7:7 or 50% or JFER F-7 Party | ||||
Microcycle of ASSESSMENT | Evaluation | Evaluation |