THE TASK OR ACTIVITY: it is the procedural vehicle that we will use during the session, to achieve the objectives set.

It is the simplest unit of structuring the training process.

A set of specific tasks to be performed at a specific "time" set up a training session.

For the design of the tasks, we must: 

  • Know the factors of progression of the difficulty when, to achieve the same objective, we use:
  • The same didactic form (FD):
  • Execution conditions -analytical-: (time available, speed, required accuracy, etc.).
  • Conditions of the situation -global-: (numerical relationship – superiority / equality / inferiority-, number of companions, adversaries and wild cards, dimensions of space, level of opposition, etc.)
  • Different didactic forms:
  • Progressive difficulty level between the FDs used for the same objective: (JF / JC / EC / JP / TL / 11:11 / etc.).
  • The use of different FDs for the same objective may vary the characteristics of the objective (skill, technique, etc.).

For the design of the tasks we will take into account: 

  • Predefined aspects:
    • Objective (capacity/action).
    • Type of manifestation.
    • Slogans for the realization of each action/foundation.
    • Method.
  • Concretion of:
  • FD to use.
    • Distribution-participation of the group/players in the task. During the activity we must ensure that all players participate: making rotations in which the "rest" is used only for recovery, avoiding static queues or standing players without continuous participation or, performing the same exercise in two groups with the variants established for the activity. In any case for each didactic form worked, we propose in this same section (in the event of any doubt not solved in the task itself), the "guidelines established to balance the numerical relationship in the exercise, so that all the players (template) participate in the same work (didactic form)".
    • Factors to be defined (quantified). We analyze, later in this same section, those proposed in the task sheet
    • Distribution and location on the land. At this stage we propose the exercises in a majority way in the space destined to the football-7 field (half field of football-11, if we have more space logically we must use it. In this case, we must adjust the number of players participating in the activity, to maintain a correct relationship of space-time factors). Working with less space at this age would be deficient in relation to the overall objectives foreseen, except, of course, the specific exercises delimited to a specific space (already specified in the graph).
    • Necessary material and how we distribute and place it so that during the session it is permanently available and controlled. For the realization of an optimal work we will use:
      • It is important to have one ball per player,
      • cones of medium height,
      • mini goals or failing that "high" cones to indicate the finishing spaces,
      • rings (40-60cm.)
      • pikes, that we can also use them as fences.
      • To delimit the spaces and sub-spaces of play we can:
        • Take advantage of the lines marked on the field (areas, sides...).
        • low "Chinese".
        • flat "lentils".
        • Some type of tape that does not prevent or is a risk to the game.
        • ...
    • Other didactic aspects (forms of control and correction, scores based on results, strategies/factors of motivation/involvement – competition/shots on goal, etc.)


Let's perform an analysis of a Tab of The Task

TRAINING TASK "difficulty level: HIGH"





improving the objective



The Reception

Variants affecting execution


Tab number

Didactic variant


"Corrective Game"



with opposition

Ball protection

at the reception

*We specify at the beginning the "degree of difficulty" of the exercise. By clicking on the"didactic form" we will obtain specific information about this form of training and the possible variants that will allow us to adjust the activity to the number of available players. In "sub-objectives" the specific activity to which the exercise is directed is detailed.





Game erreno:

  • square 20-30m. x 20-30m


  • a certain number of taps in a row


  • 3:4+4 attacking wildcards


  • 4 exterior

Playspace limits:

  • the signposted square

Límite of contacts/actions...:

  • free


 *In "Description of the activity" it details the specific aspects that we will use for the development of the exercise.



  • The 3 "attacking" players will be able to support themselves with the outside wild cards so as not to lose possession. They will be able to play with free touches
  • The outer wildcards will only be able to play each other with 2 passes in a row.
  • If the attackers manage to touch/control the ball on 10 consecutive occasions they will get the "goal".
  • Defenders in order to "regain possession must touch/play each other on at least 2 occasions/passes. Attackers in case of loss will be able to press to regain and/or avoid control of the defenders.
  • Each certain time or achievement of "goals" the functions of each group can be changed. The three defenders will have left the fourth teammate in reserve.


 *In "development of the activity" the standards, characteristics and specifications for the development of the activity.




  • The manifestation of the protection of the ball in the reception, when we are in numerical inferiority with the opposition and the intensity / defensive pressure that the opposition will perform, will be relevant.
  • We can match the numerical ratio 4: 4+4c.a.
  • Before scoring a goal, even having received the ball on 10 occasions it will not be valid until it has been controlled by the 3 attackers.
  • Each attacker who receives the ball will not be able to pass it until it has been protected /controlled for a certain time (3-4-5... seconds).
  • Wild cards will need to play 1 or 2 touches.
  • Increase/decrease play space to facilitate or hinder possession.

*The "manifestation of the objective" will allow us to know what are the aspects of the exercise in which the manifestation occurs and the improvement of the planned objective. The "didactic variants" will make it easier for us to adjust the exercise to the players we have and above all to adapt the activity to the characteristics of our players so that the desired improvement occurs.




  • The effectiveness in the protection of the ball (the position of the body in relation to the opposite, the protection with the arms, the amago of the ball with the leg opposite the opposition, ...
  • The feigned deception before receiving the ball.
  • The search for the "pass line" of the wild cards to facilitate the pass to the holder.
  • The lack of search for amplitude and / or "darken" on the contrary.
  • We must establish homogeneous groups.
  • We may or may not have an impact on the defensive field.



* The "foreseeable corrections" anticipates some of the errors that are usually manifested in the development of the activity and allows us to be attentive to these manifestations. In the"pre-post training considerations" we will adjust the design of the work in relation to structural and logistical aspects.

*"pass line", when in the content refers to a concept that may be unknown to the coach, it will be marked in italics and bluish, clicking, the coach will obtain the definition and / or observations necessary for its understanding.