We could define the Didactic Forms as different types of tasks that are more or less effective to develop different objectives depending on different aspects that characterize them, such as:

  • The method to which they belong.
  • If they intend to reflect open or closed situations.
  • If it intends to influence to a greater or lesser degree the mechanisms of perception and decision, or the execution mechanism.
  • Whether the goal to be achieved requires simple, complex decision-making, or there are no decisions to be made.
  • If they require the presence of adversaries and / or companions.
  • The number of companions and adversaries required by the target.
  • Etc.

In short, we can say that it is a way to classify the types of tasks to be used in training depending on the type of work we want to do.

The choice of one type or another of task will always be conditioned by the work objective, so that the effectiveness of the training will lie in:

  • The right choice of the most effective didactic forms for this objective.
  • In the precise design of the task to be carried out through the chosen Didactic Form/s/ s.
  • The correct determination of the conditions that define the tasks.
  • The definition of an adequate regulation for the development of the task.

 *We remind you that in the task sheet, in the section "didactic forms", the coach, clicking on this box will access the characteristics and rules of use of the FD used in the proposed exercise.


Location of the coach.

  • The coach must be positioned so that he can see all the players who are in training.
  • This aspect is more difficult if there are several working groups. Despite this, it can be located on the outside of one of the working groups, so that its orientation allows it to have direct visual access over the rest of the groups and the players.

Performance of the coach.

  • Explanation of the task
    • Explain as briefly as possible the objective and rules of the task.
    • Use an example group for the demonstration.
    • Quickly all players will start the activity.
    • Avoid lengthy explanations. It is preferable to start the activity quickly and correct during the first minutes of the practice the regulatory errors that may be committed, than to lengthen the explanation.
    • The coach will try to correct only the aspects that are part of the work objective, avoiding correcting each and every one of the errors of any kind that manifest themselves during the task.
    • Do not "scold" by system, especially when it comes to an execution error. We must give the information that allows the player to do better on the next occasion.
    • The corrections made by the coach must be directly related to the causes that have caused the error in relation to the aspect that we want to work with the task.
    • Both in competition and in training, we will avoid repetitively correcting the same player.
    • If the cause of the errors is an incorrect attitude it is preferable to change the player, or make him rest from training, without manifesting ostensible signs of anger.
    • We can tell you that today you are not ready to train, and that the next day you will surely be in a better position to do so.



    • The Theoretical Talk (CHT)
    • Rondo Táctico (RTA)
    • Rondo Technical (RTE)
    • Rondo Colectivo (RC)
    • Completion Rondo (RF)
    • Protection Rondo (RP)
    • Rondo Zonal (RZ)
    • Rondo de Espacios Libres (REL)
    • Transition Rondo (RT)
    • Physical-technical circuits-... (CI)
    • Movements and evolutions (M&E).
    • Corrective Exercises (EC)


    • Corrective Games (JC)
    • Line work in attack and defense (TLA/TLD)
    • Positioning game (JP).
    • Simple/Complex Collective Combined Action (ACCS/ACCC)
    • Play routine (RIJ).
    • Green slate (PV).
    • Progressive lines (LP).
    • Analysis work (TA).


    • 50%
    • Football game with real spaces (JFER).
    • 11:11.
    • Strategy Work (EST).
    • Football Games (JF)
    • Goalkeepers + specific physical preparation
    • Goalkeeper training (EP).
    • Game paths (RUJ).





    Rondo Táctico (RTA)

    Rondo Technical (RTE)

    Protection Rondo (RP)

    Rondo Zonal (RZ)

    Rondo de Espacios Libres (REL)

    Completion Rondo (RF)

    TransitionR ondo (RT)

    • This type of exercise involves a certain / reduced space, which allows us to do it with two work groups.
    • In the event that for the second group we do not have enough players we can alternate this work with another type of rondo, for example with a technical rondo in which we can mold the number of players who participate: (4/5:1 – 5/6:2 ...)

    Rondo Colectivo (RC)

    • We will use the same guidelines as in the "positioning game" -JP-.

    Corrective Exercises (EC)

    Corrective Games (JC)

    • We can include all the players doing the work in two equal exercises (which allows us the dimensions of the space) or,
    • Modify/expand the number of participants in the same exercise or,
    • Perform the exercise incorporating players / lines of play by relays, waves or rotations.

    Line work in attack and defense (TLA/TLD)

    • We will work with a specific working group (in attack or defense) and with two opposition groups that will be relieved.
    • If we do not have enough players for the second group, we will change every 1/2/3... Competition units to these players in this single opposition group.

    Positioning game (JP).

    • We will determine the working group of 11 players (with the established system) and a certain opposition (6/7/8... players).
    • If there are too many players in the opposition we will change every 1/2/3... Competition units to these players (we must bear in mind that the level of load of the opposition is very high which allows us to dose this effort).
    • In the event that there are no players to configure the 2 groups we can reduce the number of participants in the work group, considering eliminating the demarcation / s of the game system that do not affect the objective to work.

    Simple/Complex Collective Combined Action (ACCS/ACCC)

    • In the simple ones we will follow the established in "exercises and corrective games".
    • In the complex ones simply after every 2/3/4... Waves of action, players in reserve will be changed relieving the partner of their demarcation.


    • In this case the number of players we can use rises to 20 (P.9: P.9).
    • The minimum number of participants however can generate a problem if we do not have them (14 players: P.2.3.1: P.2.3.1) we can player with 12 incorporating an offensive wild card as a pivot that would allow us to analyze the game of the objective established in attack.
    • If we do not reach this figure we will not be able to work with this didactic form.


    Football game with real spaces (JFER).

    • We will work with 3 working groups so we can distribute the group of players in these 3 "teams".
    • If we do not have enough players for the 3 groups, we will change every 2/3 ... minutes to these players, alternating them in the 2 groups or,
    • If the objective allows it, we will play with only two work groups.

    Football Games (JF)

    • The number of players to design this didactic form (2 lines of play with wildcards ...) allows us to work with 3 work groups, alternating their participation in a time of work (-A- against -B- //-B- against -C- // -C- against -A- ...) or,
    • Design 4 work teams competing -A- against -B- in F-7 midfield and in the other midfield: -C- against -D-. in this case in each "game" one team will attack the goal with a goalkeeper and the other team of the same exercise, one goal / s of cones in the midfield. Rotations of goals and teams will be carried out.

    Strategy Work (EST)

    Goalkeeper training (EP).

    • In this work, part of the players of the squad will participate specifically, so the rest of the players will be able to carry out another activity (which allows us the reduced space in which the main exercise is carried out.