It is obvious that each trainer must determine the most appropriate FD, the variants in it, and even the combinations of different FDs to be used in the same training in relation to:

  • The objectives to work on.
  • The characteristics of its players.
  • The level of learning they are at.
  • The quantity and quality of the players available in training.
  • The spaces available in each session.
  • The circumstantial aspects that condition the session (mood, results obtained, etc.).
  • The physical loads expected for the session.
  • Etc.

Let's see an example of some aspects and / or characteristics to be developed, which allow progression in 5 of the FD's exposed:


  • Increased talk time.
  • Increase and complexity in information.
  • Increased specificity: player > demarcation > line/s > team.
  • Use of: whiteboard > videos > watch live matches...
  • Increased complexity and information in the analysis of the opposite.


  • Work of:
    • a demarcation
    • one line
    • 2 lines 
    • Interrelated lines
    • the whole team.
  • Different:
    • game situations
    • sub-phases
    • Phases
    • interrelating...
  • With opposition:
    • in inferiority
    • equality
    • superiority.
  • With different characteristics of the opposition.
  • With different intensities of opposition:
    • Active
    • passive
    • real.


  • Increase in the number of opposition players
  • Play with or without a goalkeeper.
  • Play with technical-tactical conditions:
    • 2 taps
    • 1 tap 
    • 3 minimum touches > ...
  • Reducing play space:
    • the whole field
    • middle
    • 1/4
    • ...


  • Modify player numbers per team.
  • With or without wild cards.
  • With or without goalkeepers.
  • In equality, superiority or numerical inferiority.
  • Different touches (technical – tactical).
  • Reducing play spaces.
  • Different regulations.


  • Same as in 50%.
  • Aspects to be corrected.
  • Rhythms of play demanded.


LOGICAL PROGRESSION in the USE OF THE FD's for the improvement of the COLLECTIVE GAME (*)