(specific to Technique, Tactics and Physical Preparation)


Practical aspects for the use of Football Games, Corrective Games and Corrective Exercises:

  • Design the Football Game, the Corrective Game and the Corrective Exercise to be carried out in the session so that the same (or similar) signs are used on the field.
  • To mark the field we can take advantage of the existing lines (area, band, midfield). For those that cannot be marked in this way we will use cones.
  • The dimensions of the field to be used in the Football Games will depend on the objective, the number and level of the players and their age. Dimensions can range from:
    • 60m x 60m maximum.
    • 15m x 15m minimum.
  • The organization by groups of the players is important that they allow them to be referenced by quality levels. In this way the players will face oppositions made by an opponent of similar level, an aspect that will maintain the motivation and confidence with which the player will face the proposed game situation.
  • It is important to note that a game designed correctly for the improvement of a goal (in this case tactical) can fail in its application if any of its players does not have a minimum technical level.

 These FD's have a relationship of continuity for a progressive improvement, starting with an analytical work (corrective exercise),going through the global work (Corrective Games and Football Games),to finish with approaches to the Real Game Situations (50% and matches -FD's that we will see later-).

 In any case, we can, and must, also apply them without this order, aspects that make it possible:

  • Obtaining a higher level of significance to the session (after making a Football Game where the mistakes made are manifested, the player finds more sense to the more systematic training -through the Games and Corrective Exercises- of those aspects that have failed in the Football Game).
  • The variability in the sessions (different activities, in different order - although with coherent criteria-) are always a factor that avoids monotony in the sessions.

In the Football Game and in the Corrective Game, we work mainly on a single line of play (although there may be players who act as a reference in the task in front or behind said line of play).




The application of these 4 Didactic Forms (especially the first 2: Football Games and corrective games) in the Technification stage, is the same as for the initiation stage, but respecting:

  1. Each player's play area.
  2. The line of play in which he plays and his orientation (center, right or left).
  3. The specific characteristics of each player.
  4. The team's game system.
  5. The team's style of play.
  6. The different offensive sub-phases to work with.
  7. The defensive forms established for each defensive sub-phase.
  8. The different types of opposition and characteristics that the opposing team can manifest.

 As we have commented in the Performance stage we will not do a specific technical work - Tactics. Its improvement will be included within the collective game, improving the actions to be perfected of each player, in relation to the characteristics of their game.