
It is a game with the presence of the ball in which football situations are manifested, in which two teams with a minimum of two players each participate, and in which it is intended to score more goals than the opposite.

The game runs continuously for a certain time.

The formation of the teams participating in the games is represented as follows:

Representación Formación de equipos en JF

Main Purposes:

  • TECHNIQUE: aspects of execution and protection of the ball
  • TACTICS: aspects of execution of situations: 1:1 ; 2:1; 1:2;
  • PHYSICAL aspects and aspects of the psychology area

General characteristics of the Didactic Form

  • The game can be designed by modifying the rules, the dimensions of the playing field, the number of players and opponents (minimum 2 and maximum 5), depending on the objective.
  • You can design the game with two, three or four goals, which can be:
    • Small (1 to 4 m.)
    • medium (5 to 7 m.)
    • Large (8 m. more).
  • To achieve the improvement of the objective it is necessary to apply the same game a minimum of 5 sessions.
  • You can play with or without a goalkeeper, and the way to score a goal can be by crossing the goal line with the ball controlled, or by a strike (with or without a goalkeeper)
  • The duration of the game will be about 10' (to maintain a high level of motivation).
  • We can define different levels of difficulty:
    • Minimum: The team that must manifest the objective presents numerical superiority.
    • Intermediate: Both teams have the same number of players.
    • Maximum: The team that must manifest the objective presents numerical inferiority.

In each of these levels we can vary the difficulty, modifying the number of companions, that of adversaries, using or not offensive and / or defensive wildcards, ...

  • When designing the football game we must take into account:
    • Age of the players.
    • General level they present.
    • Objective of the stage in which they are.
    • Specific level regarding the chosen work objective.
  • The learning process follows the following phases:
    • Theoretical and practical knowledge of the game
    • Evaluation by the player of the actions performed during the game (in relation to the success or failure obtained)
    • Rectification and improvement of the actions when performing the game again.
  • If the objective to be improved, after performing the game for a sufficient time does not manifest itself correctly, we will modify the game so that it presents a simpler situation than the previous one (always fulfilling the characteristics of the definition of the FD). If the objective is still not manifested, we will propose a Corrective Game.
  • The Football Game responds to a global methodology.

Grafico de JF