
Training areas:

  • TECHNIQUE: the execution of the auction + speed of execution + the centers
  • TACTICS: collective pressure + transition defense/attack and attack/defense

We will work among others, aspects such as:

  • Mobility within the area
  • Positioning for the shot against centered balls


It is played inside the penalty area, a goalkeeper, 2 working groups plus an outside wild card inside the semicircle of the area.

It starts with a neutral ball in fall, the team that you receive will "attack" trying to finish on goal,you can support yourself with the wild card, the other team will defend the goal trying to recover the ball.

When the defending team recovers the ball before being able to finish it must play, at least once with the outside wild card.

The activity ends when a team finishes or the ball leaves the field of play or is recovered by the goalkeeper

We can establish different rules of the game:

  • The finish must be made at 1 touch
  • Before attempting the shot all players must have touched the ball on at least one occasion
  • We can have 2 wild cards "extreme" one on each side of the penalty area, which can be centered when receiving the ball to a touch. The "extreme" wildcard contrary to the one made by the center can enter the area to be finished off from the second stick to a touch
  • We can only mark headfirst
  • The wild card that is in the front of the area, after the first pass can finish a touch from his position (without entering the area).
  • Instead of the defending team if it recovers the ball being able to perform the offensive action, it will attack constantly for a certain time the same team and the other defends. In this case the defending team if it recovers the ball will be able to finish its work successfully, passing the ball to the central wild card. During the attacking time of a team, if it finishes and the goalkeeper blocks the ball, he can play with the defending team so that it can finish the action (playing with the outside wild card).

The game structure could start and evolve: 3: 3 + P + 1/3 cA.