
Training areas:

  • TECHNIQUE: ball protection in 1:1 situations
  • TACTICS: individual pressure 1:1 + input

We will work among others, aspects such as:

  • Resistance


It is played within a defined space (part of the penalty area – central circle...). It will be adapted to the number of players participating, their age, their technical-tactical level, etc.

The activity will be interrupted according to the intensity that is manifested, the established resistance objectives and to maintain an adequate level of improvement of the technical-tactical objective. During this recovery time you can perform different exercises: stretching, ball touches ...

A group of players will work controlling and driving each of them a ball, during the exercise they must always be in motion, looking for free space and protecting it from the defender.

The defending group will always be one player less (there will always be a player with a free ball), each defender must pressure an attacker to try to recover the ball or cause him to lose control, this pressure should last only between 3 and 6 seconds, if during this time the possessor continues to maintain the pressure of the ball, the defender will be directed to pressure the attacker free of mark.

If the defender recovers the ball and / or causes the loss of control to the attacker, he can pick up the ball and start the offensive phase, the attacker who lost the ball will leave the field becoming a reserve and the player who was in reserve will enter to perform the defensive activity.

We can establish different rules of the game:

  • The marking will be pressing on the back of the holder
  • The marking will be made face forcing the holder to make a dribble to overcome the defender
  • We can determine the time that the defender has to perform the pressure, so that more or less work time is manifested
  • We can have 2 players free of mark (2 more players with ball than defenders)

The game structure could start and evolve:

  • 4 attackers x 3 defenders + 1 reserve. This structure can increase or decrease according to the established objectives.