
Training areas:

  • TECHNIQUE: The move to the free space + the triangulations + the changes of orientation
  • TACTICS: zonal marking + ball interception + defensive anticipation + collective pressure

We will work among others, aspects such as:

  • The search for free space to receive the ball
  • The speed of execution
  • The search for the pass line
  • Constant mobility
  • The "opportune moment"


It is played within a defined space (part of the penalty area (to take advantage of the marked lines) – point to a square with 9 sub-zones of play. The dimensions of the space will be adjusted to the age of the players and their technical level.

The activity and regulations are the same as those established for the "tactical rondo", with the following variants:

  • The pivot pass will be directed to a free space,not to the space where a player is located
  • The player who is in the orientation of the game will not wait for the pass in the area where he is, he must go to receive the ball to a free zone, at the "opportune moment"
  • The player who receives the ball can play with the wild card or make a pass to a free zone where the partner can receive.
  • Passes must always be to an adjoining area from where the ball is played
  • If the ball is controlled by an external player and the annexed zones are occupied, a pass/center can be made to a remote free zone (if the ball is owned by the wild card he will always have a free zone to pass with a change of orientation

The rest of the variants and regulations will be those established for the Rondo Táctico.