
Training areas:

  • TECHNIQUE: The interior pass + the accuracy of the pass between the lines + the changes of orientation + the pass to "counterfoot" of the defender to avoid interceptions
  • TACTICS: zonal marking + ball interception + defensive anticipation

We will work among others, aspects such as:

  • The elimination of pass lines
  • The search for the pass line
  • The attack/defense transition


It is played within a defined space (part of the penalty area (to take advantage of the marked lines) – point to a rectangle of play... It will be adapted to the number of players participating, their age, their technical-tactical level, etc.

The playing field consists of 3 areas, 2 for the "attacking" players and a central one for the defenders.

The activity is developed in such a way that some players from one outdoor area must pass the ball to the players from the other outdoor area until they try to make 10/... passes without losing control of the ball and without it leaving the pitch.

We can establish different rules of the game for this activity with the ball:

  • Before passing the ball to the other line of play all players must touch the ball at least once
  • No more than 3 touches can be made before making the pass to the other area
  • All actions must be performed at 1 tap
  • We can pass with flat or aerial balls

If the defenders intercept the ball, the player who has made the pass can enter the defensive zone to recover it.

We can set the players in an attack zone to be those in a game system playline set for the team.

The defending group can be 1 or 2 players less than the attackers of a zone, or they can participate with the same number of players as those of an attack zone:

  • 4.4: 3
  • 4.4: 2
  • 4.4: 4
  • 4.3: 3

Defenders must recover the ball by controlling it, that is, make 3 touches playing with their teammates without leaving the pitch. In this case the recovering defender will exchange the role (from defense to attacker) with the attacker who made a defective pass. We can modify this change of roles so that the defender who goes on to attack is the one who has been defending for the longest time.

If they intercept the ball and it leaves the pitch or is controlled again by an attacker, the game will continue without changing roles, but having avoided the 10... set touches that would allow attackers to get a "goal".

We can establish different rules of the game:

  • Zonal marking so that a tilt is manifested in relation to the ball to eliminate passing lines
  • In the event that the group of defenders is of the same number as that of attackers in one area, we can make an individual marking, that is, each defender "will fix an attacker to intercept the pass from this to the other zone.