The methodological resources proposed in this section will be based especially on the knowledge, design and application of different DIDACTIC FORMS, which must present a very specific characteristic, such as the fact of being based on the REAL GAME SITUATIONS that the player will find and develop in the competition.

Starting from the importance that the work to be done in training is as specific as possible, in relation to the decisions that the player must make constantly throughout the game, the objective of this work must seek to improve the levels of efficiency in the team's game, thus reducing the constant collective errors that occur in the development of the competition.

To achieve this goal, we must start from the conviction and knowledge of:

  • That the UNIVERSAL FUNDAMENTALS(used as a new SUBJECT for the learning of Football -especially in relation to decision making-) will help us to achieve this objective.
  • The DIDACTIC FORMS, which allow collective errors to be manifested to train and correct them.

To determine all aspects of the "how" and to be able to work to optimally develop these decision-making capabilities in the player, it is necessary to attend to the following aspects:

  • In the different Game Situations that manifest themselves in each Competition Unit during a match (both in attack and defense), each player in each Game Situation, can be:
    • In possession of the ball.
    • No ball in attack.
    • In defense.
    • He or his opponent in the Game Orientation, or No.
    • In a Collective action/situation.
    • In a Tactical action/situation.
    • In a strategy action (the only aspect considered and worked as an automatism).

    This orderly Collective Game will allow us to achieve the "big" goal:

    • Do not lose possession of the ball, progress and enable completion (in attack).
    • Recover the ball, taking advantage of the mistakes made by the opponent in each of the defensive sub-phases (in defense).

    We see that in the event that one of the players does not manifest at the appropriate time the Slogan established in each Game Situation, the collective result will not be manifested in its entirety, leaving the collective success subject to the error or success of the actions of the opposition in relation to the individual execution of our player.

    As a consequence of the above, the following conclusions emerge:

    • The learning of the activity developed by each player (slogan), must be coordinated with the rest of the team (opportune moment).
    • Collective success is contingent on the correct development of each slogan by all players in each Game Situation; that is, never the action of a player ensures the correct development of the collective game, but it is absolutely necessary the joint and coordinated participation of the rest of the players, through the manifestation of the slogan at the right time.
    • The continuity of the game in each Competition Unit, in the Defensive and / or Offensive Phase, that is, the interrelation of the different Game Situations that may manifest, requires the participation of the entire team, so that the possessor, in each of them, to achieve success, has all the possible options offered by each player, developing "its" corresponding Slogan.
    • In each Game Situation (in attack), the possessor will make a decision (among the 5 or 6 options that his companions will offer him when applying his Slogan). From this decision will arise a new Game Situation, in which in turn the new owner will again have another 5-6 possibilities, which in turn will generate as many game situations and options for the possessor ... That is, in an offensive phase in which between 6 and 10 game situations are manifested (6-10 passes to different demarcations approximately), the possibilities and variables that will be presented to the opposite are almost endless.

    This high figure does not entail a very high difficulty for players to master all these options, since players who do not have the ball, will only need to master between 12 and 20 game options (Slogans) -depending on the system used-, while the holder must master only, the 5 or 6 existing game possibilities with the ball (facilitated by being aware of the actions of the teammates and consequently make the decision appropriate relating it only to the response of the opposition).

    It is obvious that, from these reflections, in the training of the Collective Game (whatever its objective and / or the activity / didactic form that we use), they must be constantly manifested:

    • The real game situations that may arise in the competition.
    • The participation of the entire team (11 players), whatever the opposition (type and quantity).
    • The own/real Space/Time factors of the competition.
    • The proper application of each action at the Right Time.
    • All the game options of the holder in each Game Situation, since in the face of a correct opposition, collective success cannot be guaranteed if we reduce them, creating the consequent doubts in the team.

    We conclude, in this sense, that the usual methods (Global, analytical, structured, etc. -especially the first-.), must constantly respect the factors Space – time and opportunity, with which the player will meet in the competition, so that they are effective in improving the decision making established in the Universal Foundations.

    These adaptations will allow the coach to establish a progressive learning, modifying the type, quantity and characteristics of the opposition.

    It will not be possible to attend to these adaptations e / t, when the objective to improve is:

    • The specific improvement of a technical-tactical situation
    • The execution aspect of technical, tactical, physical actions, etc.

    The different Didactic Forms that we expose in this section conform to these approaches, taking into account that all of them can and should be interrelated with each other, and that we only "classify" them in order to unify criteria and terminology when designing, applying and relating them to the different work objectives.

    Each Didactic Form has the necessary variables so that they can be adjusted / adapted to the specific objective that each coach establishes in the session, the level of their players, the characteristics of the game, the moment of the learning process, etc. In other words, these Didactic Forms are actually the manifestation of the game itself, but starting from a referential assumption, which helps us to establish logical and coherent criteria with what is established in the Collective Game.

LIST OF THE FD'S that will help us to improve the Collective Game from a global perspective, thus influencing the Collective Actions and Situations, that is, we ignore the aspects of execution contextualizing them within the real game, so that we will focus on the improvement of the aspects related to complex decision making (the Universal Foundations and the Movements of the System):

  • The theoretical talk (CHT).
  • Work of lines IN ATTACK AND DEFENSE (TLA/TLD).
  • Positioning game (JP).
  • 50 %
  • Football game with real spaces (JFER).
  • Movements and evolutions (M&E).
  • Combined Collective Action (ACC).
  • Progressive lines (LP).
  • Game paths (RUJ).
  • Play routine (RIJ).
  • 11:11.
  • Green slate (PV).
  • Strategy Work (EST).
  • Analysis work (TA).
  • Goalkeeper training (EP).