It is a confrontation in the form of a real match, with a number of players and dimensions of the pitch, adapted to the availability we have in each training.


Improvement aimed at a demarcation and / or line of play of the offensive and / or defensive aspects in relation to the Forms of Play of the team, the Universal Fundamentals and the Movements of the System.


  • The activity takes place in a midfield space (F-7 field), 3/4 field, or 1/4 field (or where appropriate play within the penalty area (F-11 field), depending on the dimensions of the playing field, the number and age of the players available and the level of difficulty desired.
  • Each team will be made up of half of the available players. In the event that the number of players is odd, we can play with an attacking wild card (if possible as a midfielder) or leave a team in numerical inferiority.
  • We must respect as much as possible the demarcations of each player, playing in the middle line at least 3 players and always giving priority to the defensive line having more players than the attacking line. The minimum basic scheme shall be P.2.3.1: P.2.3.1.
  • In this case (the minimum structural manifestation) the corrections to be made will be determined for each demarcation relating them as follows:
  • P.2.3.1: The 2 defenders can be considered as central and/or lateral defenders.
  • P.2.3.1: Of the 3 midfielders, the player in the centre as a pivot and/or centre half or half-back. Band players such as interiors, flyers and/or wingers.
  • P.2.3.1: the tip as such.
  • In the event that a player cannot play at the beginning in his demarcation, we will play in it at least half a part. For players who do not work in their natural demarcation it is preferable that they play in the same lane even if it is in another line (avoiding the change from a central lane to a side lane).
  • We can approach the game in order to maintain possession of the ball collectively. In this case, we will always finish the exercise with real play and with completion.


  • Stopping the game: Players must get used to staying totally static at the coach's signal so that the wrong situation that must be corrected or commented on can be manifested in the "photo".
  • Correcting directly during the development of the game: addressing the affected player(s).
  • After finishing the action corresponding to the competition unit or its offensive or defensive phase that we are working on and analyzing the cause that caused the error (loss of ball – shot of the opponent ...).
  • We can correct generic aspects or establish specific principles to improve. We will influence the correction to the players of a team. Or both, if the objectives (offensive or defensive) are very concrete.


  • Continued Play (dividing the total game time into two parts).
  • Start of play after each competition unit.
  • Start of the game after having stopped it in the same competition unit when an error manifests itself (especially the one established in the objective of the session).
  • We can work with two goalkeepers, with a goalkeeper, with cone goals, with a goal without a goalkeeper (in this case a goal will be scored by a one-touch shot), or finishing from the field itself to improve in this way the sub-phase 1 of the team that loses the ball and plays without a goalkeeper.