We will use the same regulations as those established for "Football Games in tight spaces" (execution), but with the following variants:

  • Each team will use a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 8.
  • They will be distributed in 3 game lines of which two can be 1 single player, but at least one of them with the real number of players in relation to the line and the work system.


Improvement of the Universal Fundamentals and the rest of the aspects that affect at least one line of play, both in attack and defense.


  • You will work with 3 teams (one of them rests while analyzing the game of the companions).
  • The rotation of the equipment will be carried out:
  • Leaving the team that has received a goal.
  • From a certain time (usually between 2 and 3 minutes).
  • It will be played in real midfield,in any case it can be reduced according to the number of players and the available spaces, so that:
  • Let's cut the width of the field (for example: the side lines that match the lines in the penalty area).
  • Let's trim the length (10 to 20 meters from the midfield line).
  • We will work with a complete game line, related to the system used, and that we intend to improve in attack and / or defense, incorporating a reference in front and / or behind it of at least one player.
  • Each team can be made in relation to a certain line of play, playing:
  • In a "free" or conditioned way (2 touches...).
  • Always at least with a goal with a goalkeeper.
  • Incorporating 3 wide goals in the midfield orientation, which may, or may not, defend with goalkeeper/ s, playing as a free man/s.
  • With or without an attacking wildcard (depending on the objectives to be improved or to cause numerical imbalance.
  • We will try to maintain the position / demarcation of each player (at least of the team that we are analyzing / rectifying, in the worst case we will change the position of the player respecting:
  • The lane in which he plays (right sides with left or center lane with a player from the same lane of another line).
  • The line in which he plays (defenses with defensive means; offensive means with tips).


  • Stopping the game: Players must get used to staying totally static at the coach's signal so that the wrong situation that must be corrected or commented on can be manifested).
  • Correcting directly during the development of the game: addressing the affected player(s).
  • After finishing the action corresponding to the competition unit or (in its offensive or defensive phase that we are working on) and analyzing the cause that caused the error (loss of ball – shot of the opponent ...).
  • We can correct generic aspects or establish specific principles to improve. We will influence the correction to the players of a team. Or both, if the objectives (offensive or defensive) are very concrete.


  • We can use this didactic form as an activity to end the session (instead of, for example: 50% or 11:11).
  • FD is also advisable as an activity to improve the completion sub-phase (see example).
  • When working for the improvement of the LD, it is advisable to place at least 2 players in the LM.
  • When working for the improvement of the LA, it is advisable to place at least 3 players in the LM.