It is about performing during training an 11:11 match, with the only variant that during it, we can correct or propose different variants of both the team that exercises as opposition and the one that "works".


Any individual or collective aspect raised in training.


  • We must obviously have at least 22 players, although if necessary we could work without goalkeepers.
  • During at least half of the session, we will guide the work in relation to correcting one of the teams, working the rest of the session with the "other" team.
  • The team that acts as "opposition" will carry out the tasks that we propose, in order to experiment with the one that works on the planned aspects.
  • We can work with sequences of Competition Units, that is, the "work" team starts the offensive/defensive phase, the transition ending with the defensive/offensive phase and stops the game to review. 
  • In this case during the last minutes of the activity we will perform a continuous game.
  • We will also use this FD to accustom the player/team to "hear", "look" and "listen" to the coach, and try to do what he asks during the activity in a competition match:
    • The signs.
    • The slogans.
    • Attention.
    • Understanding.
    • Etc.


Forms of correction:

  • Stopping the game.
  • Correcting during the activity (as in an official match).
  • After finishing a UC. Offensive or defensive, (depending on the established objective).
  • Specifying with the players the cause of the error.
  • From the bench, with the contribution of a "wild card", so that when a mistake is made, the player who has made it leaves the pitch, and enters to replace the wild card, the substituted player must go to the coach, comment on the cause for which he has been substituted, justify and clarify that he agrees and understands it, and he can get back on the pitch. The wild card returns to the "bench".
  • Every "X" time we will change to the wild card, so that all players go through this situation that we must take advantage of, to discuss with him the circumstances of the game.
  • The coach can correct from the side of the field (as in an official match), or on the field, without affecting the game, but giving instructions or correcting by approaching each player.