They are the routes / displacements that a player supposedly makes in relation to his demarcation and a certain Game System. These routes contemplate the defensive and offensive phase of each Competition Unit.


Specific work for the improvement of aspects of Physical Preparation. Although we can also use it as recognition and systematization of the collective routes of each player, in relation to their demarcation and the game system established for the team both in attack and defense.


  • The "route" presents a route for the offensive phase and another for the defensive, each of them dividing into several sections.
  • In relation to the "intensities" to be developed in each section, there is a main route that we call "Standard Competition Route". It defines the intensity of each section according to the actions and movements that the player must perform before the possible Game Situations and the slogans assigned in the Universal Fundamentals, and / or in the Movements of the System established for the team.
  • These intensities can be modified to affect different conditional capacities, establishing for each of them, different:
    • Number of repetitions (volume).
    • Recovery times.
  • All players can participate at once (each from their demarcation) being able to work 2 or 3 players in each demarcation.
  • We can include in the development of the routes actions with ball.
  • We can delve into this topic in Volume 2, "Areas of Specialization – Physical Preparation".
  • It is about reviewing the possible route that the player makes throughout the Offensive and Defensive Phase of each Competition Unit:
    • In attack, based on the different Game Situations that may manifest and the different locations and displacements that, in relation to them, the player will perform.
    • In defense, starting from the attack/defense transition, with an intense retreat and relating to the objectives established for each defensive sub-phase.
  • In each route we must establish the intensity of the displacement linking it with the different Game Situations that the opposite can manifest.