Real game activity in which one, two or three lines per team participate, composed of the number of players corresponding to the game system used


The improvement of the Collective Situations in attack and defense, the Universal Foundations and the Movements of the System.


  • The rules of the game must be the regulatory ones, including the dimensions of the goals and those of the space used for each of the lines that participate. If only one goal is used, the defending team must have the possibility to score:
    • A "finish line",
    • Small goals or
    • Regulatory goal.

So that the Competition Unit is always completed.

  •  You can work with one, two or all three lines of play per team, with a minimum of 5 players per team and a maximum of 11 (full team). It is interesting that at the beginning of learning we start improving each of the lines of the team (P + LD; LM; LA), then we will interrelate 2 lines (P.LD+LM; LM+LA), to finish working with the three lines (complete team).
  •  To design the Line Work we have to define:
    • The lines that participate in each team.
    • The system and style of play used for each team.
    • The offensive or defensive situation and/or variants used.
    • The Forms of Play and the characteristics and actions used by the teams (the work and those of the "opposition").
    • The objective to be developed/improved (individual, collective, strategic, etc.).
    • The structure of the system and number of players -equality, inferiority or numerical superiority- (for each group that participates), each opposition group can propose different forms of play (in attack and / or defense), so that the working group has to face / adapt to different types of opposition.
  •  The actions of the team working as "opposition" can be free or defined. The corrections will be made to the "work" team, being able to influence the "opposition" if it is considered convenient (support technician).
  • We can specify the work for the improvement of one, two lines or the whole team for the different ones:
    • Defensive sub-phases - 1, 2, 3 or 4-.
    • Offensive sub-phases -from START to PROGRESSION, from PROGRESSION to COMPLETION or COMPLETION-.
    • Transitions attack/defense, defense/attack.
  •  We can work the complete Phase (offensive and / or defensive), in each Competition Unit.


  • Continues: Line work developed continuously, as if it were a match, for a certain time (3-5 minutes is advised).
  • Waves: Line work that is interrupted at the end of each Competition Unit. Receiving the working group the alternating opposition of the rest of the group that participate as opposing teams.
  • Relays: Line work involving three groups (A-B-C) facing each other - A: B / B: C / C: A. At the end of the round, the clashes will be modified. Each group goes through the same situation of improvement (defense or attack), so the coach in the same session will correct all the players of the team in their corresponding line / s.


  • When?:
    • Stopping the game or, at the end of the Competition Unit.
    • Correcting directly during game development.
  • Who?:
    • Analysis of a player or a demarcation.
    • Analysis of some players or game lines.
    • Individual analysis of all players.
    • Collective analysis.
  • How?:
    • Orally to the interested party.
    • Collectively, even if it is an individual mistake.
    • Asking the group or the player.