Activity developed by the whole team on the field of play to analyze, perform and improve the movements previously learned on the "board" (theoretically), and on the "green board" (applied on the field).


To basically improve the Universal Foundations, the Movements of the System and the Collective Situations.


  • The actions will be developed with the entire team structurally formed in relation to the established game system.
  • We can analyze the offensive and / or defensive actions specifying the aspects we want (game situations, progressions, lines or demarcations, orientation of the collective game: start on the right, progress on the left and end on the right, etc.).
  • The work will be developed without opposition to end with a maximum opposition of P.1.1.1 (from this opposition we would already enter the FD Positioning Game).
  • The team will manipulate the ball freely and we can stop the action when we consider it necessary (in a certain Game Situation, Sub-phase, etc.) to rectify or influence the intended aspect. We can also condition the Collective Action/Situation by guiding the style, the Movements of the System or the aspects that we are interested in reviewing.
  • When we work in defense, the opposition in attack will carry out the actions that we propose, so that we can review the defensive aspects of the work team in the different Game Situations, Defensive Sub-phases, etc.
  • We must review the actions of the entire team, not limiting ourselves to the players who participate only in the Technical – Tactical situation.


In the Initiation-Progression Phases:

  • Manipulation of the ball at 2 touches / 1 touch whenever possible / ...
  • All players must touch the ball at least once before they can finish (this action would allow us to review the actions in the different Game Situations that can be manifested in a UC in the Offensive Phase).
  • We may interrupt the action in each Game Situation or when we deem appropriate.
  • If you start the goalkeeper must touch the ball at least 2 times.
  • No player will play the same teammate 2 times in a row, or every time he touches the ball he must pass it to a different partner.
  • We will be able to allow the exit of the zone (even without opposition), to manifest the movements of the established system.
  • We can incorporate "picas" as static opposition, placed in structure that allows us to review tactical aspects (darken / look for a passing line, before receiving the ball), collective aspects (the opportune moment)... 

In the Progression–Completion Phases:

  • The shots will be made at 1 touch, inside or outside the area.
  • We can stop the game in the different Situations that manifest and analyze the game options of the owner and / or those of the rest of the players.
  • In defense (11: 11 – opposition team in attack, work team in defense) we will analyze in each Game Situation that manifests the "opposition", the situation and action of each player, line, demarcation and defensive sub-phase, with defensive, passive or active action.
  • When in attack we place an opposition P.1.1.1, the game of the 4 defenders will be real, being able to end in the event that they recover the ball.