Activity developed by the players who participate in an SJ (whether or not they are in the orientation of the game) to analyze, perform and improve the different options of the holder (decisional aspects of the game with the ball), and the movements / displacements of the players without the ball and "their" opportune moment, relating them to this Game Situation.


  • For the offensive work of the Universal Foundations and system movements).
  • The possibilities of execution of the technical actions of the holder. 


  • It is about specifically improving the game of the possessor and his possibilities in each game situation, relating them to the universal fundamentals and the movements of the system, maintaining in each variant of the game of the possessor the established movements of the players without the ball.
  • The work will begin without opposition receiving, the player who participates with the ball in the routine, the pass of the teammates of another demarcation. From the reception will execute all the possibilities of pass / center / driving that makes possible the situation of game raised. 
  • The work will continue with other actions until its completion (although they are not linked to the proposed game situation) thus giving continuity to the play until achieving the theoretical collective objective phase from beginning to progression, from progression to completion, or from completion to final auction.
  • When the movements and actions of the different variants are carried out optimally (technical-tactical execution, or decisional) and at the right time, we will continue the progression in the routine by adding opposition (1, 2, 3 ... until a real situation is established).
  • In this case (real opposition), for the optimal result of the exercise we must incorporate the rest of the team so that numerical superiority is achieved with the incorporation of players from the 1st line.
  • We can work,from this final situation (11: "X"), with the same routine or introducing other didactic forms (MyE, JP,...).
  • In each Game Situation, we can influence the opposite orientation, for example: we work the SJ of the right side, we will develop all the game options and we will continue with that of the left side. We will progress alternating each action, right back / left back, so that the rest of the team develops the movements without the ball in each of the SJ.
  • As we perform different Routines, by performing the corresponding option of the possessor we can in each action link with the routine already worked so that the new owner (new SJ), can choose the action he wants, in this way, once all the routines have been developed, we can link with Movements and Evolutions, and with Positioning Games, until 11:11.
  • In the previous case (different Routines are interrelated), each Routine must be developed with the whole team in structure, starting without opposition and incorporating this opposition.
  • In each Routine, and for each possible action of the possessor, we must repeat the action at least 10 times, so that a correct assimilation of the SJ is established (actions of possessor and the opportune moment of the players without the ball, whether or not they are in the orientation of the game -objective of the work-).


  • We can start the routine of an SJ, only with the players who participate directly with the ball, or from the beginning with the whole team, that is, with those who are going to play the ball and with those who are not, these, must also execute the movements established in the system and in the Fundamentals (for example: close and fall behind for defensive surveillance, etc.).
  • At the beginning of the activity, we can place reference pikes for each player so that before receiving the ball (at the right time), he has to "darken" or look for the "pass line" to the "pica".
  • We must specifically influence determining the "opportune moment" in each player to make the established displacement.
  • It is important that after training without opposition, the holder has to choose the type of pass in relation to the opposition that we are introducing, for this the holder before receiving the ball from the partner who will initiate the action, must orient himself in relation to the location of the opponent / s that manifest as opposition / s