This is the set of specific activities to improve the automatisms established in attack and defense, for set-piece actions, transitions (sub-phase -1- in defense and counterattack and fast attack in attack), the development of the direct or short for long style of play and counteract the offside action by the opponent.

*More extensive and detailed information can be found in volume 1.3 "Collective Actions" pages: 11 to 49.


Improvement of strategies and game variants.


  • We will have to establish signals to indicate to the players the type of action to use. 
  • In the transitions we must establish some zones of loss or recovery as an element to distinguish for the realization of the strategy (actions to be carried out).
  • In each type of strategy (especially set-piece actions), we must design at least 3 variants to surprise the opposition, in addition to modifying it periodically.
  • The process to follow will be:
  • Analyze the individual characteristics of our players, in relation to the requirements presented by each of the strategic actions to be designed:
    • Centering.
    • Auctioneers.
    • Extension.
    • Drivers.
    • Launchers for different distances and/or orientations.
    • Auctioneers.
    • Recuperators.
    • Etc.
  • In relation to these characteristics, design the movements and actions for each process:
    • Movements and technical actions to be developed by the players who will participate (or should participate) directly with the ball.
    • Movements and tactical-collective actions to be developed by the players who will participate (or should participate) directly in the action but without manipulating the ball.
    • Movements and tactical-collective actions to be developed by the players who will NOT participate directly in the action (aids, surveillance, rejections, deceptions, etc.
  • Exposure to the team of the strategy to be developed.


  • Practical development, in attack:
    • I work with the players who are going to manipulate the ball (the one who takes out and/or recovers, the one who prolongs or receives, the one who finishes or plays, the one who could collect rejections, etc.).
    • I work with players who should not contact the ball (movements without the ball and without opposition -opportune moment-).
    • Specify the actions and work of players who do not participate directly in the strategy for their intervention in surveillance, retreats, rejections, etc.
    • I work with the whole team (unopposed), detailing the phases of the serve:
      • Phase 1: Placement of the ball and the pitcher prepares to execute the serve, all players in the "starting" zone position.
      • Phase 2: race to the ball of the "pitcher", the players in the "deception" zone, in the "transitions" performing the planned tactical-collective actions.
      • Phase 3: the ball is hit, passed. Players looking for execution/completion zones.
    • We will carry out this work following the FD:
      • "Green slate."
      • Movements and Evolutions without opposition.
      • Movements and Evolutions with opposition (active, passive).
      • 11:11, if it is not possible due to lack of players, we will work with 50%, ensuring the participation of the players who will manipulate the ball and those who will participate directly in the strategy.
  • In defense:
    • We will follow the same process by eliminating the actions with the ball, although these must be carried out by the "opposition".