More than an FD, it is a type of work that is based on the performance of an analysis process by the coach, which allows to determine the aspect (s) (technical, tactical, physical, psychological or collective) that causes the incorrect execution of an individual action by a player.


Improvement of the individual aspects in the High and Maximum Performance Processes, of the areas of:

  • Technique
  • Tactic
  • Collective play
  • Q. Physics
  • P. Psychological


  • The coach breaks down the individual action (technical, tactical, collective or physical) into the five aspects that compose it (physical, technical, tactical, collective and psychological actions), subsequently assessing the correction manifested in the real game action.
  • The analysis work can be applied in different ways:
    • Verbal presentation "on the pitch".
    • Practical demonstration and / or with slowed movements.
    • Audiovisual aids.
    • Design and use of an effective didactic form in relation to the work objective arising from the analysis process.


    IT IS AN FD FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, with an individualized training, of the aspects of execution and specific of the Process of Maximum and High Performance, so that we manage to increase the efficiency in the game actions of the player.

    • In principle, there should not be in this phase a pure/programmed technical or tactical differentiated work, since the player, when reaching these stages, must have achieved the appropriate levels.
    • For this reason the work to be done must be determined in relation to the search for maximum effectiveness and / or efficiency in the competition, and not in the execution of the different types of actions that the footballer can perform during the game.
    • To define the performance work we must analyze and assess in each player, the specific characteristics that their activity has within the competition, taking into account:
      • Their individual characteristics (speed, technical level, defensive ability,...).
      • The forms of play of the team.
      • The basic objectives of its demarcation.
      • Correct, to obtain a maximum level in the actions of its demarcation.
      • Eliminate actions in which a high level of efficiency is not manifested and are not absolutely necessary for their game, offering in the case that is considered necessary, an alternative resource.
      • Enhance the aspects or talented actions that the player possesses and that usually coincide with those of his demarcation.

      IN THE CASE OF EXECUTION, the coach breaks down the individual technical, tactical or physical action into the five aspects that compose it (physical, technical, tactical, decisional and psychological).

      • To achieve the improvement pursued we must:
        • Search and / or design elements or didactic forms for the specific improvement of each of the aspects that are erroneously manifested. These didactic forms must take into account the demarcation of the player, its main characteristics and the form and system of play used by the team:
          • Corrective exercises/games.
          • Individual movements, unopposed, as a reaction to different stimuli (ball, coach/partner).
          • Combined collective actions (ACC) without or with opposition (passive, active, real).
          • Development of a work of strength.
          • Development of coordinating aspects.
          • Psychological training (visualization work).
          • Etc.
          • Verbal presentation on the pitch.
          • Demonstration and practical execution and / or with slowed movements.
          • Audiovisual aids.
          • Design and / or use of an effective didactic form, in relation to the Objective.

          IN THE CASE OF THE DECISION, the Universal Foundation that has not been correctly manifested must be determined and worked on.

          • Evaluation of performance in competition, to determine its correction, elimination or potentiation. 
            • To make this assessment we will follow the following phases. First phase:
              • Analyze and assess the aspects / actions of the player's demarcation in which a low level of effectiveness is manifested in each offensive or defensive game situation of each competition unit.
              • It must be considered that if there are several, it is probably a player who is not qualified to face the phase of maximum performance in this category.
              • Schedule the individual work for the correction of the negative aspects detected. This work can last all season.
              • Analyze and assess the aspects / actions with a low level of effectiveness that are not typical of the player's demarcation. This assessment will be made to, in the first place, eliminate them from the player's usual repertoire (prohibition of him to execute them, performing actions that he dominates and that allow him to replace the deficient action).
              • This elimination will immediately and simply increase the level of effectiveness of the player.
              • Analyze and assess the aspects/actions of talent presented by the player
              • The most important objective of this phase is to increase to a maximum level the effectiveness of the talented aspects of the player analyzed.
              • In the event that during the first season there has not been enough time to develop that 3rd phase, we will do it in the following ones.
              • If this manifestation of "talent" does not coincide with the game aspects of the player's demarcation, we can even modify the established "system movements", so that the player can develop and take advantage of them.

              REGARDING THE CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE the coach must be able to:

              • Know the player thoroughly.
              • Analyze the circumstances of the team of maximum performance in which the player participates.
              • Determine what the aspects are:
                • Of the player's own talent.
                • To enhance in the player, which are necessary for their demarcation.
                • That he does not dominate and that they cause a low percentage of efficiency in his game, and that must be eliminated.
                • Social.
                • Emotional.
                • Familiar.
                • Personnel.
                • Etc.