It consists of verbal exposure with / without audiovisual means, to make known to the players by the coach, any information that is considered important for training and / or competition.
  • We must accustom the players (from the initial stages of Training) to the "talks" in the dressing room before training, so that the understanding of the "slate" explanations (symbols, movements, videos, ...) and the appropriate transfer to the field activity is facilitated.
  • Explanations should be on a single topic, using age-appropriate forms of expression and comprehension of the players.
  • It is advisable to use audiovisual media, worksheets, practical examples or other means that increase the participation and understanding of the players.
  • Players must be allowed to participate in the talk, which must be:
    • Brief.
    • Accurate.
    • Egg white.
    • Concise.
  • We will use the talks to:
    • Expose the objectives, forms, etc. of the training.
    • Prepare the competition.
    • Development of the competition



  • Know how to get the message across. Speak loud and clear of the objective you want to communicate.
  • Brevity in the information.
  • Precision.
  • Avoid repetition.
  • Temporal adequacy (when to give the information).
  • Position yourself properly so that the message arrives correctly.
  • Explain by teaching what we want to be learned.
  • Few concepts, basic.
  • Feedback
  • You have to talk to all the players individually, but above all to the leaders (captains).
  • Not to impose, but to make us reflect and seek consensus.