We determine for the characteristics of this process five large macrocycles:


It includes from the beginning of the activity to the beginning of the competition (approximately one mesocycle).

The Objectives:

  • Recover the physical and psychological tone of the player (return from vacation), to adapt it to the activity to be carried out (training and competition).
  • Develop an initial "generic" activity of the aspects to be worked on during the cycle (in each area), to guide us on the state of the player in relation to each objective.
  • Make known to the technicians and group of collaborators of each team the tasks to be carried out during the season, and the aspects of operation to be taken into account.
  • Update players in relation to the objectives and working methods that will be developed during the season.
  • Adapt new players to the dynamics of the group.
  • Perform the necessary tests and controls to be able to adjust the established programming, as well as establish the individual variants.



It includes from the beginning of the Competition until Christmas -first round of the league championship- (3 mesocycles approximately).

The objectives:

  • Start the scheduled activity (training and competition sessions.
  • Adapt to the differences in training of the different areas, and to the specific objectives exposed in the area of physical preparation (volume, intensities, etc.).
  • Develop all the sessions and tasks planned so that the player knows and experiences the work objectives at least once:
    • Know what needs to be done and Do it.
    • Know the characteristics of each player in relation to each area, action, situation, capacity, to be able to determine ways of correction and improvement.
    • Initiate the transfer to the competition of the trained aspects.



It includes from christmas holidays to Easter (3 meso-cycles approximately).

The objectives:

  • Work done in order to improve, correct, enhance in a more "specific" way, the necessary aspects so that each player assumes the desired levels of each work area.
  • Adjustments to be developed so that the work done in the training is manifested in the competition.
  • Adaptation of the training of the different areas to the specific objectives exposed in the area of physical preparation (volume, intensities, etc.).

In some areas (due to lack of time in relation to the number of objectives established), in this macrocycle we must continue with the work of "new objectives", that is, continue with what was proposed in the macrocycle of Realization.



Penultimate month of training (1 meso-cycle approximately).

The objectives:

  • Perform an analysis during training, competition or with the performance of different tests, to determine the level of acquisition of the objectives of the cycle / season of the different areas by each player. 
  • Make a report that allows us to design the tasks of the next recovery mesocycle. 

In some areas (due to lack of time in relation to the number of objectives established), in this macrocycle we must continue with the work of "new objectives", that is, continue with what was proposed in the macrocycle of Realization. In these cases the necessary Evaluation must be carried out in specific sessions (added to those established), or within the established sessions. 



Last month of training until the beginning of the holidays (1 month approximately) take into account in this period that we must give facilities to the player for the realization of the end-of-course exams. 

The Objectives: 

  • Train in order to correct and / or enhance in a more "individualized" way the necessary aspects so that each player assumes the levels established in the different objectives of each work area. 
  • Establish the situation and needs to determine the player's pass to the season, phase and / or subsequent stage. 
  • Adjust the necessary aspects to "correct" the individual needs related to the competition. 

In some areas (due to lack of time in relation to the number of objectives established), in this macrocycle we must continue with the work of "new objectives", that is, continue with what was proposed in the macrocycle of Realization. In these cases (as in the evaluation) we can perform this "recovery" in sessions after the end of the activity (... June...). 



It includes from the beginning of the summer sports holidays to the beginning of the activity (2-3 months approximately). 

The Objectives: 

  • Rest and recover the player, both physically and psychologically. 
  • Carry out the activities planned for the summer. 
  • Advise the player and families both on the activities that are advisable, and on those that are not convenient to do during this period.