We will have a planning / programming of 9 mesocycles (from September to May), for each Season / Cycle and for each of the areas. 

In the design of the objectives of each mesocycle, the macrocycle to which they correspond will have been taken into account so that they will be established in the following order: 

  • 1 Mesocycle of Introduction (1 month of work). 
  • 3 mesocycles of Realization. 
  • 3 Mesocycles of Adjustment. 
  • 1 evaluation mesocycle. 
  • 1 Recovery mesocycle. 

We will also have the rest period (3 months of summer). 

In some cycles/seasons in some areas, the "Adjustment", "Evaluation" and "Recovery" macrocycles will have had to be dedicated to a specific work objective (due to lack of time). In these cases, the evaluation/recovery that the coach must perform must be placed in the space/sessions that he deems appropriate. 

It is clear that neither a "closed" Planning nor a programming of objectives can be proposed if we take into account, as we have already mentioned, the different variants / needs that each team can present: 

  • Level and / or mood of the players. 
  • Federative categories (suitable or not). 
  • Available means and structures. 
  • Acquisition and adequate mastery of the previous objectives that must have been assumed before the own/ current stage/season. 
  • Final objectives foreseen in each case. 
  • Etc.

The proposal, therefore, has been made based on a situation that we could call "standard", with a "binding" criterion, that is, that all the training objectives set in each area are contemplated, at least once (which causes in many cases that each objective is treated on very few occasions). From this proposal, each coach will be able to make a program that is more adjusted to the characteristics and needs of the team / group in which he has to develop his activity. 

The four relevant areas in the field of training (Collective Actions, technique, tactics and competition), contemplate different levels for their training, which will facilitate the adaptation by the coach of the level that fits his players. 

Each mesocycle we contemplate it with the programming of 4 microcycles. The remaining days that may exist will not be counted as part of the planning. These days/sessions can be used by the coach to "recover" the sessions that could not be carried out (inter-weekly parties, weather conditions, necessary breaks, etc.), and / or to influence the aspects that he considers most necessary. 

The distribution of objectives that is carried out in each mesocycle/microcycle has been developed based on the objectives established in the "levels" of each area, so that each objective, consideration or slogan of each area, are worked on at least once during the process. It is obvious, therefore, that each coach will be able to modify this chronology, and adapt it in relation to other criteria or needs: 

  • Give priority to objectives that are considered more relevant. For example, increasing the number of sessions in which they will work, and / or modifying the time of their application). 
  • Postpone some goal, manifestation, or slogan, and train them in later ages/stages. 
  • Etc.

The coach, in the volumes already published, will be able to review the considerations of each objective, as well as delve into each of the aspects that arise in each microcycle of the different areas. To do this, the levels that correspond to each objective are exposed, in the planned, so that the technician can consult and design with more criteria each training session.