The ownership of this Website belongs to aEntreno, with NIF and address atavinguda de les flors, número 4, bajos,de Sitges (Barcelona), with PostalCode 08870 onwards aEntreno.com.

This document, as well as any other document mentioned, regulates the conditions governing the use of this Website aEntreno.com and the purchase or acquisition of products and / or services in it (hereinafter, Conditions).

In addition to reading these Conditions, the user, before accessing and browsing the Website, must have read the Legal Notice, and the General Conditions of Use of the Web, including the Cookies policy, the Privacy Policy and the protection of personal data. By using this website or by requesting the acquisition of a product and / or service through it, the user consents to be bound by these conditions and by all the aforementioned.

It is reported that these Conditions may be modified at any time. The user is responsible for consulting them each time he accesses, browses or makes use of the Website since those that are in force at the time the acquisition of products and / or services is requested will be applicable.

For all the questions that the user may have in relation to these Conditions, he can contact the owner of the Website by calling the telephone number 653979026, or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The access, navigation and use of the Website confers the condition of user, so they accept, from the beginning of the navigation through the Website, all the conditions established herein, as well as their previous modifications, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legal regulations of mandatory compliance as the case may be.
The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the Website, extending this responsibility to:

  • Make use of the Website only to advertise the establishments of local customers, restaurants, party rooms, hotels or any other business related to the management of online reservations for private events.
  • Do not make any false or fraudulent purchases. If such a purchase could reasonably be considered to have been made, it could be cancelled.
  • Provide truthful and lawful contact details, such as e-mail address, postal address or other data.
  • The user declares to be over 18 years of age and to have sufficient legal capacity to enter into contracts through this Website.


In the procedures of sale, the user may modify both the selected products and the number of these, the personal data completed, the form of payment and the place of shipment by going back in the purchase procedure of the Website before the definitive acceptance of the sale by confirming it by clicking on the "Subscribe" or "Buy" button.

Once the sale has been made, it will be confirmed by sending an email, within an immediate period after receipt of the payment and confirming the products purchased electronically: the costs, taxes and the form of payment.

Once the purchase procedure has been concluded, the user consents to the owner of the Website to generate an electronic invoice that will be sent to the user, where appropriate, through email. If the user wishes, the invoice can be sent in paper format requesting it at the telephone number or email address mentioned above.


The prices of the products and/or services offered on the Website are indicated in euros (€). The prices of the products and services offered may change at any time, but such changes will not affect orders and purchases for which the buyer has already received an order confirmation.

The payment of the products and / or services contracted can be made through the following ways:

  • Direct debit


On the price of the products will be applied the Value Added Tax (VAT) in force at the time of purchase. Purchases made by subjects exempt from the payment of VAT will indicate this at the time of completion of their personal data.

Purchases made by vatable persons residing in the European Union and endowed with an intra-community NIF will be exempt from the payment of VAT. Purchases made by natural or legal persons in non-EU countries will be exempt from the payment of VAT.


aEntreno.com sells services as subscriptions on its Website, access to and delivery of the subscription is immediate once payment has been received by the buyer, except in those cases in which there are unforeseen circumstances arising from the personalization of the subscription.


In accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (hereinafter TRLGDCU), the buyer will have the right to withdraw from the contract, under the conditions, term and procedures mentioned below. To this end, the consumer, by using the model withdrawal form contained in Annex B of the aforementioned law or by another type of unequivocal statement indicating his decision to withdraw from the contract, may exercise his right of withdrawal by the following means:

  • By phone at the number 669497630.
  • By e-mail at the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • By completing and sending electronically the corresponding withdrawal form model.

The digital services offered by aEntreno.com are within the exceptions provided for in article 103 of said law in section M: The supply of digital content that is not provided on a material medium when the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and user with the knowledge on their part that consequently they lose their right of withdrawal.


The company will not be liable for technical failures that, due to fortuitous or other reasons, prevent the normal functioning of the service through the internet, due to lack of availability of the website for reasons of
maintenance or others that prevent the service from being available. The company puts all the means at its disposal for the purpose of carrying out the process of purchase, payment and shipment / delivery of the products, however it is exempted
of responsibility for causes that are not attributable to him, fortuitous event or force majeure.

In general, the company will not be responsible for any breach or delay in the fulfillment of any of the obligations assumed, when it is due to events that are outside
of the reasonable control of the company, that is, that they are due to causes of force majeure.


The user of the Website may communicate their complaints, claims or any other comments they wish to make through the contact details mentioned in these Conditions. In addition, official complaint forms are available to consumers and users, which they can request from the company at any time, using the contact details mentioned in these conditions.


In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD), the consumer and user may at any time exercise the rights of
access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, communicating it in writing to Masia "La Granja", Avinyó Nou (Barcelona), with Postal Code 08793 or through the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The personal data collected in the purchase procedure carried out on this Website will be processed by the seller in order to maintain the contractual relationship that may be
establish, as well as the performance of the tasks of service management, collection, in the execution of the contract. These data will only be transferred to those entities that are necessary for the sole purpose of complying with the aforementioned purpose.

The necessary technical and organizational measures have been adopted to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the same in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD.


The purchase system is subject to the legislation in force in Spain. Therefore, sales transactions shall be deconstrued as having been carried out at the seller's domicile. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise between the parties, the competent Judges and Courts will be those of the consumer's domicile, provided that it is located in Spanish territory.