Nº tab | Number | Objective of the training | Videos |
140500 | 05 | With blows to the wall to be performed by each player individually, or with the participation of a partner: - From the "croquette" (experience the action, using only 2 touches)
- Interior-exterior output (experience the action focusing on continuity in contact with the ball, having to be done as quickly as possible)
| 274 |
140600 | 06 | - Exterior-interior output (experience the action focusing on continuity in contact with the ball, having to be done as quickly as possible)
- Of dribbling with amago of the ball (the ball must change direction "dragged" by the inside, and touch immediately with the outside of the other foot giving continuity to the amago)
| 275 |
140700 | 07 | - From the rotation of the ball with the inside out (experience the action, influencing the continuity in contact with the ball, having to get the ball to rotate for as long as possible)
- Of the rotation of the ball with the interior towards the inside (experience the action, influencing the continuity in the contact with the ball, having to achieve that the ball rotates for as long as possible)
| 276 |
140800 | 08 | - From the rotation of the ball with the exrterior out (experience the action, influencing the continuity in contact with the ball, having to achieve that the ball rotates for as long as possible)
- From the rotation of the ball with the outside inwards (experience the action, influencing the continuity in contact with the ball, having to get the ball to rotate for as long as possible)
| 277 |
140900 | 09 | - "Back to the inside-plant ball in permanent contact with the ball" (the action must be performed in permanent contact with the ball)
- "Back to the outside-plant ball in permanent contact with the ball" (the action must be performed in permanent contact with the ball)
| 278 |
141000 | 10 | - Of "chopping the ball" (achieving a height with the ball after pique to be able to continue with touches)
- Boat-strike-soon (repeatedly experiencing the spatio-temporal calculation that allows impact at the precise moment)
| 279 |
141100 | 11 | - To lift the ball from a standstill (get it without the least previous displacement of the ball)
- Of "touches" (use the 2 legs and the rest of the contact surfaces - experience the greatest number of combinations, increasing the intermediate difficulties)
| 280 |