In the tasks where a defensive group is established that exercises opposition, in order to work on a specific offensive objective with the "work" group, we can condition this opposition individually or collectively, which facilitates the manifestation of the objective of the work team and that at the same time this opposition can be conditioned progressively.

  • Passive opposition: the defender and / or team will track their brand / ball, without interrupting the evolution of the ball or disturbing the player, that is, they will make a "shadow" opposition that allows the attacker (with or without the ball) to recognize their presence but without being conditioned by it.
  • Active opposition: in this case the already real marking in relation to the attacker (with or without the ball) – mark – pressure – legal charge ... – but in no case will it intervene with the ball. That is, even if you can intercept it – steal it... will not execute the action on the ball.
  • Real opposition: now the opposition will be real in all its manifestations