In the usual analyses of a party, GENERAL ASSESSMENTS aremanifested. These assessments can differ greatly between each of us ("each master has his booklet"/Aspects that are transcendental for a coach, others have not taken them into account).

The extreme complexity presented by the actions and the constant and immediate changes that occur during a match, prevent the realization of an objective analysis in a global way, so we need to partialize the match in "smaller fragments" that allow to be analyzed in detail (Competition Units).

A Competition Unit (UC) is the space of time that elapses between a team regaining possession of the ball (controlling it), losing it and regaining it (controlling).

We understand that a team controls the ball when the player who recovers it manipulates it with at least 3 touches or passes it effectively to a partner (time or action that allows the "recuperator" to effectively manage the control / possession of the ball).

In a match there are approximately 100 UC, which depend to a large extent on different aspects, such as the quality of the teams, the forms and style of play they use, the intensity with which they play, etc.

The fact of systematizing and objectifying the level of play of the team through the UC will allow, subsequently, to determine what are the causes that have caused the errors, and proceed to correct them through training.

For this reason it is essential to know that the game of a team is analyzed through the COMPETITION UNITS, since although they all have the same objectives (finish and recover), in each of them different manifestations appear that distinguish and differentiate them.

The UC is formed by two phases:

  • The Offensive phase.
  • The Defensive Phase.