• EXECUTION error.
  • DECISION error.

Whenever there is a loss of the ball, it will be preceded by a technical-tactical action, although this action/situation is not always the cause of the loss.

Execution error: It is an execution error when the error is caused by an individual technical, tactical, physical or psychological action of a player, with or without the ball, in relation to "his" opponent and / or the ball.


  • When in a demarcation the receiver receives alone (that is, with free space in his zone) and the ball is lost, obviously the error is due to a technical EXECUTION in the action of the pass or the reception.
  • In the case of a 1:1 in a demarcation we can consider the loss of the ball as an execution error:
    • Technique (at the reception or at the pass).
    • Tactic (in the action prior to the reception -line of pass, darken, ...).
    • Physics (in loading, speed,...).
    • Psychological (in concentration, attention, fear,...).

Therefore in these cases we must develop the training for the improvement of the execution of the aspects that have caused the error.

In spite of that, if the fundamentals are carried out properly and at the right time this erroneous situation should not manifest itself, since the receiver will do it in the race and in space.

Decision error: It is a decisional error when the decision to perform a certain technical or tactical action -both of the possessor and of the one who does not have the ball-, or to reach a certain position that is not correct, cause the loss of the ball (in 1st, 2nd or 3 play), despite the fact that the execution is well done.


  • When in the reception area of the ball there are two or more opponents,it will never be an error of execution, being therefore of decision (provided that the basic structure of the team is correctly manifested). This is because in this situation:
    • The available space is ostensibly reduced, and from a technical-tactical perspective we cannot depend on the exceptional quality of one or another player to solve the game situation.
    • The imbalance that manifests itself in the area of our receiver, necessarily implies that in another area this imbalance will manifest itself for the opposition, since in this one we will have a player free of marking.

For these reasons the fact that the ball is in this area and not in the optimal one is due to a previous decisional error (2nd or 3rd play prior to the game situation in which the ball is lost).

In addition to what is stated in this section, we can address this issue from other perspectives:

  • The losses of possession of the ball due to INCORRECT EXECUTIONS are related to the skills and / or motor skills of the technical actions, the individual tactical actions, the physical ones, or the psychological manifestations (the latter two have a special impact on grassroots football).
  • Ball losses due to INCORRECT DECISIONS are related to errors in the mechanisms of perception and / or decision, resulting especially related to collective actions:
  • In this case it is executed correctly, but a wrong action.
  • These decisions are already concretized in the Slogans/Fundamentals.
  • Therefore the errors of decision are already typified with a specific correction, so that the losses that are not of execution will be due to the NON-application, or to the incorrect application of a SLOGAN / FOUNDATION.

In the field of Maximum Performance,if in situations of 1:1 with exit space we know that our partner:

  • He does NOT have the ability to maintain possession of the ball, we must establish the mechanisms so that this situation does not manifest itself. Therefore, in this case, we could consider that it is an error of DECISION.
  • If you have the capacity (quality necessary to ensure this possession in these situations at least in 60-70% of cases (and we consider this percentage sufficient for our collective performance), then 30-40% of the lost balls, we could consider them in the game analysis, as an EXECUTION error.