Specified the game system, and if we rely on the Style of Play in Short / associative (even contemplating the use of the direct game style, or short to long in the necessary cases), we can establish the MOVEMENTS OF THE GAME SYSTEM (MSJ).

We can say that the MSJ are those locations, positions and / or displacements of all players in each of the Game Situations that are manifested in attack and defense,with the aim that:

  • In attack the holder has the necessary supports appearing in space to ensure the non-loss of the ball, progression and an effective completion.
  • In defense,the recovery of the ball is achieved as soon as possible, taking advantage of the mistakes made by the opponent (individually or collectively).

We remember that the aspects that the players / team have to master to make a logical and coherent game, in the application of the associative short game style, are the UNIVERSAL FUNDAMENTALS (previous, basic, and by demarcation).

As long as this is not the case, in a team of maximum performance (immediate results), the coach will be able to design these movements of the system, as a RESOURCE to improve the performance of the team (in the assumption of wanting to use the positional/associative style of play as the basis of their game).