It is a manifestation of the style of short play that is characterized by the fact that players (during the sub-phases of start and progression) are limited to playing within their demarcation, thanks to their high individual level that guarantees that the ball will not be lost in situations of 1:1 with probable overflow of the opponent with a dribble. Making a change of orientation to the partner who is only in his demarcation when the opponent places more than one player in the demarcation of the possessor.

It is characterized by:

  • Short passes (15-20 m).
    • 20 meters is the maximum space of travel of the ball that does not allow the contrary to have the necessary time to intercept it.
    • 15 meters is the minimum space that does not allow a single opponent to cancel the play space of two players (that of the possessor and that of the player who supports him).
  • Constant support / changes of direct or indirect collective orientation.
  • The control of the ball and the game, manifesting the three offensive sub-phases:
    • Beginning
    • Progression
    • Ending.