During the Offensive and Defensive Phases of a Competition Unit the ball is positioned in different areas of the field. These displacements result in different GAME SITUATIONS with different collective approaches.

Game situations are specific football situations, which are usually manifested in a certain space and time, provided that the team correctly manifests the BASIC STRUCTURE IN ATTACK and DEFENSE.

Factors that define game situations:

  • The zone/demarcation of the game in which the ball is located and controlled. Determine:
    • 3 game lanes:
      • Right.
      • Central.
      • Left.
    • 3 own play areas:
      • Beginning.
      • Progression (It is divided into two sub-zones -A and B-).
      • Ending.
    • Configuration of each demarcation -according to the game system-:
      • 1 player.
      • More than one.
      • No players.
  • Which player manipulates the ball (the one in the area or another who has occupied it).
  • The orientation that the possessor gives to the ball/game.
  • Where and how the ball has come to this demarcation.

In attack (offensive phase):

  • In each Game Situation we must achieve:
    • Do not lose possession of the ball, and/or
    • Progress to the end zone with options for the auction to occur.
  • In each SJ the positions and movements of the players who do not have the ball and are in the Orientation of the Game, must allow the possessor (appearing in space and achieving a numerical superiority -2:1-) at least 4 options:
    • Progress (driving-dribbling/wall with exit space).
    • Pass in depth (vertical/diagonal).
    • Make a change of orientation (horizontal pass).
    • Play in security (delayed pass).

In defense (defensive phase):

  • In each Game Situation THAT MANIFESTS THE OPPOSITE we must establish the objectives to be developed in relation to:
    • The transition attack defense.
    • The Sub-phase to which the game situation corresponds.
    • The work to be done in each of them.
    • The collective aspects established in the designed DEFENSIVE STRUCTURE.
    • The aspects of execution to be developed by each player in relation to "their opposite".
    • The forms of coverage / aids in numerical superiority and / or swaps to be carried out.

Let's see the elements that we must take into account both for training and for the analysis of the competition.

  • We determine as the sole-final objective of each offensive phase:
    • FINISH (Center and/or finish).
  • We determine as the end of each defensive phase:
    • RECOVER the ball before the opponent manages to finish.