They are those actions, locations / positions and displacements, with or without the ball, detailed as training objectives in the Fundamentals of collective play, which are considered the most appropriate (OPTIMAL) for each game situation, which each player must perform in order to give continuity and effectiveness to the offensive or defensive game of the team, hindering the defensive or offensive response of the opponent.

Basic Universal Foundation THE BASIC STRUCTURE of the TEAM in ATTACK
Definition: is the positioning of all the players of the team on the field of play in relation to a certain system.
  • Proper positioning on the pitch should allow for the manifestation of all aspects of the game to ensure the maintenance of ball possession, progression and completion.
  • The constant manifestation of l'EBEA will allow the evolution of the ball in a safe and effective way, since the correct occupation of space will allow the appearance of the appropriate space, time and opportunity aspects to overcome the opposite.
  1. Manifest balance on the line where the ball is located.
  2. Manifest balance between the lines.
  3. Manifest the existence of a passing line and / or "darken" the opposite by the players who are in the orientation of the game.
  4. Be located diagonally with respect to the partners of the line before and / or after the one where the ball is located.
  5. The location of the players, in the phases of initiation and progression, must manifest the appearance of "rhombuses"/"triangles" in relation to the possessor.
  6. Perform the diagonal displacements of the game in the end zone.
  7. The team must position itself in such a way that all its lines constantly occupy a space equivalent to half of the pitch (advancing or delaying its position depending on the situation of the ball).